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Bylaws are updated at the September General Membership meeting.



Revised 11/16/2020




KGSA is a volunteer-led organization in North Idaho providing a fun and positive learning environment for players, coaches, parents, and umpires. We are committed to teaching fundamental skills and knowledge of the game to equip the girls in our local communities to keep advancing in competitive play.


KGSA is a 501c (3) non-profit organization.  It is governed by bylaws and policies that have been established by the board.  Each year they are reviewed and amended as needed.  In addition to the bylaws, specific policies include:

  1. General Information

  2. KGSA Code of Conduct

  3. KGSA Registration Policy

  4. KGSA Rules of Play

  5. KGSA Team Selection Procedures

  6. KGSA Coaching Basics

  7. KGSA Coaches’ Code of Ethics Pledge

  8. KGSA Coaching Contract

  9. KGSA Spectator Contract

  10. KGSA Player Conduct Code and Contract

  11. League Development Structure

The following policies and agreements will be attached and given to all coaches and parents.  KGSA uses the USA Softball rule book for the current year but amends these rules as needed to fulfill our stated purpose.



  1. The name of this organization shall be Kootenai Girls Softball Association (KGSA) located in Kootenai County, State of Idaho. Legal entity will remain Girls Softball Association of North Idaho (GSANI).  We will do business as Kootenai Girls Softball Association (KGSA) and henceforth be referred to as KGSA.



  1. The KGSA exists to provide girls grade K-9 the opportunity to participate in an organized competitive softball program. The league will put strong emphasis on the following items:

    1. Sportsmanship

    2. Learning to be a good winner as well as a good loser.

    3. Developing the skills necessary to participate in softball at a higher level.

    4. Developing a winning attitude.

    5. Teaching the value of being a team player.

    6. Maintaining an environment in which all players, coaches, umpires, and spectators can enjoy the game of softball.

  2. KGSA will strive to provide the skills necessary for coaches, umpires and players to progress through the different levels of play by providing clinics and other training activities designed to continually increase their skills and knowledge of the game.



  1. Membership consists of 1 voting parent for each paid player from the immediate previous season. The general membership will elect the Board of Directors and vote on changes in the bylaws. Elections for the board will take place at the first scheduled general membership meeting following the end of season tournament. Any member of KGSA present at a meeting may participate in the discussion of all transactions, resolutions, rules, etc. being considered. Eligible voters on all issues except elections and bylaws shall be restricted to officers of the KGSA board.  A majority of all votes cast shall decide all issues. For board action, a quorum of 1/3 is required for all decisions of all issues except bylaws which will require a 2/3 quorum of the board and majority of the general membership. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie.



  1. The Board of Directors will consist of the following offices:

    1. President

    2. Vice President

    3. Varsity Division Player Agent

    4. 12U Division Player Agent

    5. 10U Division Player Agent

    6. 8U Division Player Agent

    7. 6U Division Player Agent

    8. Treasurer

    9. Secretary

    10. Registrar Chair

    11. Communications & I.T.

    12. Umpire in Chief

    13. Sponsorship & Fundraising Chairperson

    14. Equipment & Field Maintenance Chairperson

    15. Concessions & End of Season BBQ Committee Chairperson

    16. Marketing & Scheduler

  2. The maximum number of board members is 16.

  3. The board has authority to remove a fellow board member by a 2/3 vote of the majority for lack of attendance or conduct unbecoming of KGSA.

  4. The KGSA board is allowed to fill an empty position on the board by a majority vote of the board.



  1. The president shall have the following duties:

    1. Preside at all meeting and maintain order.

    2. Assure that a date and time for the next meeting is set.

    3. Co-sign checks with Treasurer. (If over $1000).

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

    5. Work with VP’s and/or other board members and bring any material issues for the entire board to act upon.

  2. The Vice President shall have the following duties:

    1. Preside over all meeting in the absence of the President.

    2. Assume all duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

    3. Assist the President in all regular duties.

    4. Coordinate with the sponsorship chairman, registrar, and VP’s to develop the league directory.

    5. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  3. League Player Agents shall have the following duties: (one for each division):

    1. Communication with players, coaches, umpires, and parents.

    2. Player Agents authorize all *Introduction Changes from the League Development Structure within season.  With this approval, the coaches will discuss at home plate prior to game.

    3. Communicate and enforce the League Development Structure.

    4. Organize and supervise the draw and draft of players in their respective division(s).

    5. Organize and supervise the tournament in their respective division.

    6. Be available to sit on protest committee.

    7. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

    8. Gather issues and concerns of their division and report them to President for action by the board.

    9. Assist in organizing warm up day and in field day & tryouts.

  4. Secretary shall have the following duties:

    1. Keep accurate minutes of each meeting.

    2. Make available the previous meetings’ minutes.

    3. Conduct official correspondence.

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  5. Registrar Chairperson shall have the following duties:

    1. Organize and supervise a committee to promote and actively solicit players.

    2. Organize and implement sign-ups.

    3. Collect and account for registration fees and give to the Treasurer.

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

    5. Communicate with league registration website people.

    6. Collect and account for registration fees and give to the Treasurer.

      1. Will maintain the waiting list for each division.

      2. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA

  6. Treasurer shall have the following duties:

    1. Maintain an accurate accounting of all deposits, withdrawals, and checks disbursed.

    2. Prepare and present at each meeting a financial report of all disbursements and receipts.

    3. Co-sign checks with President. (if over $1000)

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  7. Communication & I.T. shall have the following duties:

    1. Coordinate all advertising for the league.

    2. Coordinate the forms of communication for the league.

      1. Set up and administer Facebook

      2. Set up and administer League Website(s).

    3. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  8. Umpire in Chief shall have the following duties:

    1. Organize and coordinate clinics for players, coaches, and umpires.

    2. Coordinate with USA Softball regarding the scheduling of umpires for games.

    3. Be available to sit on protest committee.

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

    5. Bring any issues to the KGSA president.

  9. Sponsorship & Fundraising Chairperson shall have the following duties:

    1. Solicit sponsors.

    2. Ensure collection of sponsorship funds and give to the Treasurer.

    3. Communicate with the Vice-Presidents regarding the placement of sponsor’s children.

    4. Organize and lead a committee for raising funds for the league.

    5. Work closely with the treasurer and sponsorship chairperson.

    6. Coordinate the setup, clean up, and take down of tables etc. for the year-end picnic.

    7. Coordinate the purchase of food and drink for the year-end picnic. Make up flyer or other publicity to announce the date, time, and “what to bring” 2 weeks prior to the year-end picnic.[1] 

    8. Coordinate the sponsor, team, colors, and sizes for each girl and two (2) coaches on the teams’ roster.

    9. Assure that the proper uniforms are ordered as soon as possible for arrival prior to the first game.

    10. Distribute and collect uniforms as appropriate for the season.

      1. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA

  10. Field Maintenance & Equipment Chairperson shall have the following duties:

    1. Organize and supervise repairs and upkeep of fields.

    2. Ensure the field. Ensure field and all facilities are in working order: i.e. water to field(s); score board(s) are in working order; bathrooms are operational; etc.

    3. Solicit assistance and equipment for time and materials.

    4. Water and drag fields a minimum 2 times per week.

    5. Contact to city and school entities and other miscellaneous entities for issues: i.e. bathroom(s), mowing, fencing, etc.

    6. Organize Field prep day prior to season beginning.

    7. Work with the Equipment with Equipment Chairperson for needed materials.

    8. Ensuring teams are following field prep requirements before and after practices and before and after games.

    9. Keep an inventory of equipment required for each division.

    10. Assure that the equipment is in good condition for the season.

    11. Submit a list of required equipment to the board in a timely manner so that the equipment can be ordered for arrival approximately 2 weeks prior to the draw.

    12. Distribute equipment to the coaches at the draw.

    13. Collect equipment at the end of the season picnic.

    14. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

    15. Order trophies and/or awards necessary, with board approval, to assure arrival by day of the picnic.

    16. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  11. Concessions & End of Season BBQ Committee Chairperson shall have the following duties:

    1. Coordinate the purchase of food and drink for the concessions stand.

    2. Coordinate the stocking of food, set up, opening, clean up, and closing of the concessions stand.

    3. Organize schedule for open & close of concessions stand.

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  12. Marketing and Scheduler:

    1. Develop a schedule of practices & games for their respective divisions.

    2. Organize warm-up day, assist in organizing field day and tryouts.

    3. Coordinate the printing of any new banners.

    4. Attend all regular and special meetings of KGSA.

  13. Board members shall attend all board and membership meetings if possible.  If a board member misses 2 unexcused board meetings in a row, the board will vote by majority whether this board member will be removed from the board.  Excused absents will be approved by majority of the board.



  1. The President or Vice-President shall call all board and membership meetings.

  2. Special called board and committee meeting(s) may be called by the other officers of KGSA.

  3. The President and Vice President shall call Special Membership meetings, if needed, with notice of a minimum of 2 weeks.



  1. An annual fee shall be collected from each player and sponsorships shall be solicited at the beginning of each playing season. All Transactions shall be conducted on a fiscal year basis, January 1 through December 31. The board will adopt the budget annually.



  1. It will be the goal of KGSA to begin play as soon as possible after the first week in April and end play by the weekend before Memorial Day.

  2. No girl can begin play on a team until her registration fee is paid. If the executive committee President, Player Agent of division, and Treasurer determines that a hardship case exists, registration fee can be waived.

  3. See “Registration Policy” for additional registration deadlines and requirements.



  1. Rules of play, conduct of the game and membership in KGSA shall be governed by the rules of the USA Softball as presented in their most recently published rule book except as modified by KGSA. See “KGSA RULES OF PLAY”.

  1. Policy and Procedures to be written, maintained and voted on for approval by the board annually.

  1. Policy and Procedures may be amended by the board at any time with a majority vote of the board.

  1. See attached League Development Structure Pitching vs. Batting development sheet.

  2. Coaches are to be reviewed and voted on by the Board of Directors.

    1. Coaches must submit coach’s application.  This application will be reviewed by the KGSA Board having a quorum and approved with a 2/3rd majority of board members present.

    2. Approved Coaches will submit proof of USA Softball ACE  and SafeSport certifications for their first year of coaching and level up in ASA certification every year of coaching thereafter.  The KGSA board will reimburse this fee following certification upon receipt.

    3. Coaches will need to have an USA Softball background check.

    4. Coaches must sign “Code of Conduct” agreement and the Coaching Contract and follow this document.

  3. Dismissal of coaches:

    1. By a ‘majority’ of the board having a quorum.

  4. See KGSA CODE OF CONDUCT document within the Policies, Rules of Play & Coaches Manual.

  5. See “KGSA RULES OF PLAY” document within the Policies, Rules of Play, Coaches Manual.



  1. All players shall wear league issued uniforms.

  2. League will provide t-shirts and socwith a one-color logo. T-shirts and socks will not be altered.

  3. Players to wear black black or grey softball pants. in color.

  4. Any player not in uniform will not be allowed to play.

  5. Wear/Use USA Softball-approved equipment.

  6. Pitchers must wear facemasks and catcher must wear the proper protective equipment which consists of catchers’ helmet with a face mask, chest protector and leg protectors. face masks for their positions.

  1. Face masks may be worn in the field by other position players at the parent discretion.



The following shall be the suggested order of business at KGSA meetings:

  1. Call to order.

  2. Reading of the minutes of the last regular or special call meeting by the Secretary.

  3. Treasurer’s report.

  4. Vice President’s report.

  5. Player Agent Report(s).

  6. Umpire in Chief’s report

  7. Committee Reports:

    1. Old business.

    2. Registrar Chairperson.

    3. Sponsorship & Fundraising.

    4. Equipment & Field Maintenance Chairperson.

    5. Marketing & Scheduler Chairperson.

    6. Communications & I.T.

    7. Concessions & Picnic Chairperson.

    8. Uniforms Chairperson.

    9. New business

    10. Adjournment

      1. Set agenda for next meeting

      2. Set date and time of next meeting



  1. All proposed changes in this constitution must be first approved by the board. The proposed amendments will then be submitted and read at aby the September  general membership meeting of KGSA and voted upon at the following general membership meeting. Any constitution changes approved by a simple majority of votes cast shall take effect immediately.


Original 10/22/97

Revised 1/20/06

Revised 3/8/07

Revised 3/13/09         

Revised 3/15/10

Revised 2/11/15

Revised 2/20/2017 ras

Revised 3/12/2018 ras

Revised 11/16/2020



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